Angiogram with Computed Tomogram
Computed Tomographic Angiography (CTA) is more safe than conventional angiography for radiographic studies of blood vessels.A combination of CT scanning together with injection of contrast medium into peripheral vien, in this technique we will be able to
SOMATOM DefinitionAS40 By: Siemens |
visualize the blood flow in arterial and venous structures througthout the body. The Computerize Tomography CT captures different image data and manipulated and analyzed by the computerized radiographic techniques from one or two planes, into a complex computer reconstruction in 3 dimentional, popularly known as the 3D CT Images. Obviously, CT scan machine emits ionizing radiation, this should be not forgoten when considering the use of this radiologic technology.
Magnetic Resonance Angiogram

Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) is the MRI examination of vascularity, and it is also general the use to describe magnetic resonance imaging of the vascular structures. Instead of arterial MR, Magenetic resonance examination of the veins is termed as Magnetic Rsonance Venography (MRV). Speaking of technical capability of this machine, MRA is most suitable for evaluation of large and medium size vessels such as the thoracic aorta and major aortic branch vessels or the larger caliber central veins. Theoritically, Pulmonary MR angiography has the ability to replace the conventional angiography and eliminate its associated risk in its upcoming developments. Moreover, MRA has a unique ability to provide cross-sectional and projectional images of of the vascular system in their expected orientations and optimal display formats without the use of contrast media. MRA also has a capability of simultaneous demonstration of vascular anatomy of interest, which can facilitate planning of surgical procedure accurately and providing a 3 dimentional anatomic interralationships of the structures.